Monday 20 May 2013

Going freelance

As part of our PDP project we had to have a Freelance presentation. Where we learnt about the highs and lows of freelance work.

  • With online technology your able to expand yourself all across the web
  • Biggest downfall of going freelance is the whole marketing aspect- You will find it hard to market your work and budget your time.
  • Always make business cards (Also any opportunity to get your name or logo put onto something do it).
  • Never be afraid to ask,email or phone companies about work and possible future roles.
  • 9% of the time its all based on the word of mouth. Getting yourself out there requires people to no your name and what you do.
  • Take small jobs first gives you a lot more experience- Maybe it'll lead to bigger and more exciting jobs
  • start by using social networking, blogs, websites etc. (Get yourself known)

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